This was an open hangout. Several Christians joined in to discuss various aspects of apologetics and theology.
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In this episode Jason covers Christology, the Biblical view of the incarnation. A proper Christology is fundamental to the true Gospel. Jason then goes into the various Christological heresies (Docetism, Monophysitism, Eutychianism, Nestorianism, Adoptionism, Arianism, Monothelitism). The presentation is provided in PDF form.
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In this episode I have a friend and brother in Christ, Voytek, join in as a guest to discuss some of the false prophecies of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Voytec is an experienced evangelist to Jehovah’s Witnesses and has a wealth of knowledge and documentation on the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Voytek covers their false prophecies of 1874, 1914, 1925 and 1975 from their own publications and books. Our hope and prayer is that JW’s will come to a true saving faith in the Jesus Christ of the Bible.
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In this episode Jason addresses the unprecedented argument against Calvinism by Eric Lounsbery. The text that Eric uses is Luke 8:9-12. Eric had challenged Dr. James White with what he calls his unprecedented and irrefutable argument against Calvinism. Jason then goes into the radiocarbon dating and how it affirms Biblical Creation when the presuppositions of Biblical Creation are applied instead of naturalistic presuppositions. Both radiocarbon dating and C14 equilibrium are examined.
The Unprecedented Refutation of Calvinism by Eric Lounsbery
Young Earth Creation Carbon 14
Video Podcast:
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In this episode Jason goes into a question from a listener “If “once saved, always saved”, then could you explain the blotting-out of names from God’s “book of life”?” Jason discusses the Lamb’s Book of Life and what it means to be blotted out. After that the discussion goes into Young Earth Creationism and the Biblical foundations for YEC. A future episode will cover the scientific evidence that confirms what Scripture says about Creation and the age of the earth.
The Philosophical Naturalism Hermeneutic
Young Earth Creationism Presentation
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Jason first goes through the Bible and demonstrates that regeneration precedes faith. Faith and believing in Jesus is the result of being born again. Jason then discusses whether God is the author of evil in reformed theology.
Does Regeneration Precede Faith?
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In this episode we discuss how science when properly applied confirms Christian Theism. Andrew, another Christian, joins the show. We discuss whether Quantum Mechanics violates the Law of Non-Contradiction. The discussion goes into to the differences between the Historical and Observable Sciences and the common blunders atheists and agnostics make when appealing to science in their objections to the Christian God.
Video Podcast:
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This Episode is a Google Hangout between Christians and Atheists. The episode begins with discussion between Jason and Christopher Maute about if the “I don’t know” position about objective morality and consciousness has intellectual integrity. Andrew jumps in on the show to discuss Creation Science. More atheists and Christians join into the discussion and it becomes even more lively.
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This is the fourth and final episode where we examine the history and current day beliefs of the group called the Anabaptists. Kevin Wagler a former member of the Anabaptist group known as the Amish joins again as a guest on the show to discuss the topic. Jason the host of the show is also a former conservative Mennonite. In this episode Jason and Kevin discuss a series of 16 questions to ask Anabaptists. They end the show with a discussion on a book by Dietrich Philips, an early Anabaptist, a contemporary and colleague of Menno Simons. They look at what he wrote pertaining to the Celestial Flesh Heresy and examine it in the light of Scripture.
16 Questions for Anabaptists:
Video Podcast:
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