Tag Archive for Freemasons

LBM Podcast 0055 – Another interview with Pastor Stan Gibson on Freemasonry


We have Pastor Stan Gibson back for a second episode on the topic of Freemasonry. In this episode we delve into more of the details of the ceremonies and beliefs of Freemasons and compare them to the Word of God. Stan goes over many quotes from Albert Pike’s book Morals and Dogmas. We compare these to Scripture to see if the claims are compatible with Christianity.


Video Podcast:

Audio Podcast:

LBM Podcast 0049 – Interview Pastor Stan Gibson on Freemasonry


In this episode Jason interviewed Baptist Pastor Stan Gibson on the topic of Freemasonry. Is Freemasonry compatible with Biblical Christianity? Stan gives us his personal experiences encountering Freemasons in the Church and his knowledge about the society from his personal study of the topic. Stan and Jason talk about the Southern Baptist response or lack thereof to the issue of Freemasons in the Church.

Video Podcast:

Audio Podcast: