Tag Archive for Presuppositional Apologetics

LBM Podcast 0057 – Trump, the Election and Presuppositional Apologetics


In this episode Jason first addresses the upcoming election and the evangelical promotion of Trump as a candidate. After that he responds to a question from a listener about certainty and the grounding of certainty in omniscience. Jason also goes into an exegesis of Romans 1:16-32 to see if the text teaches a mediate or immediate knowledge of God. Jason then ends the show with a Biblical argument for presuppositional apologetics.


LBM Podcast 0018 – Transcendental Argument for God (TAG)

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LBM Podcast 0044 – The Biblical Apologetic


In this episode Jason plays a presentation he did at his own Church, Bethel Community Church, on 6/12/16. The presentation is on presuppositional apologetics. Jason goes into why it is a Biblical defense of the faith and how the Christian World View is the only one that makes the human experience intelligible.



The Biblical Apologetic Presentation

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LBM Hangout 2 – Open Discussion


This was an open hangout. Several Christians joined in to discuss various aspects of apologetics and theology.




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LBM Podcast 0034 – Christian Atheist Discussion on Anthropology and other topics


This week’s podcast is a Google hangout discussion about the Atheist and Christian differences in relation to human nature, the will, sentients, noetic ability, etc. (Anthropology). Christopher Maute a professing atheist joined in for the discussion. The discussion went into the nature of morality and which World View has the ability to deal with the actions of men.


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LBM Podcast 0027 – Cage-Stage Calvinism, Mary the Mediatrix, Presuppositionalism and the Trinity


In this episode Jason covers an assortment of topics. First he briefly covers cage-stage Calvinism, then he goes into a lengthy conversation that occurred back in Oct 2015 on Twitter with a Roman Catholic on Mary being our mediator. After that discussion Jason goes into a discussion with an agnostic/atheist on morality and how the Triune nature of God must be assumed to provide a justification for objective morals. We look into how this distinguishes presuppositional apologetics from evidential and classical apologetics.

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LBM Podcast 0025 – Do atheists lack a belief in God?


Is the atheist making a coherent claim when he says that he has a lack of belief in a god? Today Jason goes into this question and examines it to see if there is any justification to the claim. Jason also goes into the meanings of the terms “atheist” and “agnostic”. We examine if atheists consistently use these terms. Jason examines what Scripture says about whether people know that God exists and what the Bible says about the faith a Christian has.



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LBM Podcast 0021 – How unbelievers borrow from Christianity


In this episode Jason finishes up the topic last week on postmodernism and its impact on the Church. Jason then goes into the topic of how unbelievers borrow from the Christian world view. Unbelievers will by necessity have to borrow meaning, purpose, objective morality, uniformity, rationality, human value and dignity, universal laws, objective truth and consciousness from Christianity even though they deny the truthfulness of Christianity.



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LBM Podcast 0018 – Transcendental Argument for God (TAG)


In this episode Jason goes over the Transcendental Argument for God (TAG) from within the Presuppositional Apologetic. TAG is a specific argument to address atheism. We go over multiple formulations of TAG. At then end a small portion of a debate between William Lane Craig vs Lawrence Krauss is reviewed to demonstrate the differences between evidential and presuppositional apologetics.





Debate between William Lane Craig and Lawrence Krauss

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LBM Podcast 0003 – Bahnsen vs Stein debate review completed


In this podcast we complete our discussion and review the Bahnsen vs. Stein debate.

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LBM Podcast 0002 – Bahnsen vs Stein debate reviewed


In this podcast we discuss and review the Bahnsen vs. Stein debate.

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