Archive for History

LBM Podcast 0059 – Joining BTWN and Theories of the Atonement of Christ


In this episode Jason first announces the news that this podcast is moving to the Bible Thumping Wingnut Network. This is the last published episode to this channel. After that Jason briefly discusses the Reformation and then goes into his presentation on the different Theories of the Atonement of Christ. This episode focuses on which theory fits the Biblical evidence and answers the question “How does a perfectly good, righteous and just God pardon guilty sinners without violating his own perfect justice?”


Theories of the Atonement Presentation

Video Podcast:

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LBM Podcast 0056 – Errors in the Watch Tower publication “Should you believe in the Trinity”


In this episode Jason addresses the egregious errors in the publication entitled “Should you believe in the Trinity”. He goes into what the Ante-Nicene Fathers believed about the doctrine of the Trinity. The JW booklet makes the astounding claim that the Church Father’s prior to the Council of Nicea in 325 AD did not actually believe in the doctrine of the Trinity as espoused by the Nicene Creed. Jason takes the argument and demonstrates that it is historically fallacious and a deliberate attempt to deceive.


Addressing errors in the Watch Tower publication “Should you believe in the Trinity”

Video Podcast:

Audio Podcast:

Addressing errors in the Watch Tower publication “Should you believe in the Trinity”


In 1989 the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society published a pamphlet entitled “Should you believe in the Trinity” (link to pamphlet). That particular publication says there were 5 million copies published in English at that printing. I recently received a hard copy of this pamphlet from a fellow Christian that had an encounter with some JWs. He brought it to me because he had some questions about the claims that are made in the tract on page 7. His questions in particular were about the supposed citations from the Ante-Nicene church fathers.


This article is to address the egregious errors and atrocious scholarship that went into these citations. In fact the errors are so clear that the intention could have only been deception. I will address each of these supposed citations one at a time.

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LBM Podcast 0026 – Genesis 6 and the Nephilim


In this episode Jason veers off of the apologetic path and talks about a topic that has befuddled Christians for centuries. Jason goes into Genesis 6 and discusses the passage. What are the Nephilim and who were the Sons of God? What does the New Testament say and how did the Jews and the early Church fathers look at this passage? All these are questions that Jason attempts to answer in this episode.

Video Podcast:

Audio Podcast:

Ten Shekels And A Shirt by Paris Reidhead


A life changing and convicting message by Paris Reidhead.

Muhammad and Jesus compared

  • Jesus taught us to love our enemies, Muhammad taught us to kill our enemies
  • Jesus enslaved no one, Muhammad was a slave owner.
  • Jesus never massacred anyone, Muhammad massacre 900 Jewish men
  • Jesus healed the sick, Muhammad healed no one.
  • Jesus walked on water, Muhammad rode a camel.
  • Jesus made blind people see, Muhammad could only make seeing people blind.
  • Jesus made the cripple walk, Muhammad could only make the walking crippled.
  • Jesus could make a dead man come to life, Muhammad could only make a live man dead.
  • Jesus’ tomb is empty, Muhammad still resides in his tomb in Medina.

Is the Resurrection the most proven historical fact?


The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most proven historical fact. How could I make such an audacious claim? Wouldn’t an event like Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor  December 7, 1941 or the Muslim Terrorists attack of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 be more certain. I would say not. While these two events are definitely most certain they do not have the proof that the Resurrection has. These events have more witnesses and are more recent that is definitely true but none of the witnesses have been willing to die or be persecuted for the veracity of what they had witnessed. Many of the eye witnesses of the resurrected Jesus Christ died horrible deaths and endured terrible persecution because they were not willing to give up their belief that Jesus was God who had died for their sins and rose on the third day. If they did not see the resurrected Christ then they died and were persecuted for something they knew was a lie. Maybe one insane individual would die and be persecuted for something they knew was a lie but not hundreds. Some people try to equate Muslim terrorists dying for the lie of Islam to the eye witnesses of the resurrected Jesus dying for their faith. This is however a false equivocation. The Muslim terrorists are willing to die for a lie that they believe is true not for an event they were eye witnesses to. The early Christians would have been dying and being persecuted for something they knew was a lie, if they had not really witnessed the resurrected Christ. I know of no other historical fact that many eye witnesses were willing to die and be persecuted for. If there is such an event than it would be be as equally proven as the resurrection of Jesus Christ.