Archive for Podcast

LBM Podcast 0059 – Joining BTWN and Theories of the Atonement of Christ


In this episode Jason first announces the news that this podcast is moving to the Bible Thumping Wingnut Network. This is the last published episode to this channel. After that Jason briefly discusses the Reformation and then goes into his presentation on the different Theories of the Atonement of Christ. This episode focuses on which theory fits the Biblical evidence and answers the question “How does a perfectly good, righteous and just God pardon guilty sinners without violating his own perfect justice?”


Theories of the Atonement Presentation

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LBM Podcast 0058 – RC Sproul Jr., Free Will and Limited Atonement


In this episode the intention was that Jason and Michael Yiannett discuss two topics, Free Will and Limited Atonement. Michael did not arrive in the hangout so Jason proceeded with a show and discussed the recent news about RC Sproul Jr. and then went into his talking points that were prepared for the debate on the topic of Free Will and Limited Atonement.


Video Podcast:

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LBM Podcast 0057 – Trump, the Election and Presuppositional Apologetics


In this episode Jason first addresses the upcoming election and the evangelical promotion of Trump as a candidate. After that he responds to a question from a listener about certainty and the grounding of certainty in omniscience. Jason also goes into an exegesis of Romans 1:16-32 to see if the text teaches a mediate or immediate knowledge of God. Jason then ends the show with a Biblical argument for presuppositional apologetics.


LBM Podcast 0018 – Transcendental Argument for God (TAG)

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LBM Podcast 0056 – Errors in the Watch Tower publication “Should you believe in the Trinity”


In this episode Jason addresses the egregious errors in the publication entitled “Should you believe in the Trinity”. He goes into what the Ante-Nicene Fathers believed about the doctrine of the Trinity. The JW booklet makes the astounding claim that the Church Father’s prior to the Council of Nicea in 325 AD did not actually believe in the doctrine of the Trinity as espoused by the Nicene Creed. Jason takes the argument and demonstrates that it is historically fallacious and a deliberate attempt to deceive.


Addressing errors in the Watch Tower publication “Should you believe in the Trinity”

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LBM Podcast 0055 – Another interview with Pastor Stan Gibson on Freemasonry


We have Pastor Stan Gibson back for a second episode on the topic of Freemasonry. In this episode we delve into more of the details of the ceremonies and beliefs of Freemasons and compare them to the Word of God. Stan goes over many quotes from Albert Pike’s book Morals and Dogmas. We compare these to Scripture to see if the claims are compatible with Christianity.


Video Podcast:

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LBM Podcast 0054 – Post Debate Comments, Mother Teresa, Leighton Flowers and Tim Keller


In this podcast Jason goes over a wide assortment of topics. First he discusses the previous episode debate with Paul Pavao on the Perseverance of the Saints. Next Jason discusses Mother Teresa and her upcoming canonization as a Saint. Then Jason discusses a meme put together by Leighton Flowers comparing the God of Calvinism to Satan. The show is closed out with a review of an interview of Tim Keller on the Veritas Forum.


Iron Sharpens Iron Radio Interview of Mark Zima on Mother Teresa

Exclusive Interview with Dave Hunt about the Gospel-less Mother Teresa

Do you believe there’s only one way to God? Tim Keller at Veritas

Interview with Timothy Kauffman Regarding Tim Keller, Hermeneutics

Video Podcast:

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LBM Podcast 0053 – Debate “Is the doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints, Biblical?”


In this episode Jason Mullett and Paul Pavao debate the topic of the Perseverance of the Saints. With this thesis Jason takes the affirmative and Paul the negative. The episode starts with 10 minute opening statements by both Jason and Paul. After the opening statements they engaged in a free and open dialogue.



Christian History Calvinism Article

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LBM Podcast 0052 – Book recommendations. upcoming debate and two articles reviewed


In this episode Jason discusses some books that he recommends all Christians read. He discussed the upcoming debate with Paul Pavao on the doctrine of Perseverance of the Saints. Jason reviews an article by Conrad Murrell on Christian Government. Conrad’s makes many of the same mistakes that New Covenant theologians and Anabaptists make when it comes to the law of God. After that he goes into an article by Jeff Robinson entitled Meet a Reformed Arminian.


Christian Government – Conrad Murrell

Meet a Reformed Arminian – Jeff Robinson

Video Podcast:

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LBM Podcast 0051 – Roman Catholic Analytic and Protestant Synthetic Justification


In this episode Jason delves into the Roman Catholic and Protestant views of justification. An analytic vs synthetic view of justification. Is the righteousness of Christ imputed to us or infused into us? Jason goes into the Council of Trent and the Roman Catholic Catechism to see if the Roman Catholic Church today still holds to their 16th century views. Are these differences still important today, do they still matter?

Video Podcast:

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LBM Podcast 0050 – A critique of New Covenant Theology


In this episode Jason critiques New Covenant Theology, in particular the NCT view of the moral law. Is the threefold division of the law Biblical and historical?





The threefold division of the law – Jonathan F. Bayes

James M. Renihan – Sermon on NCT – 9/23/2005

Sam E. Waldron – Sermon on NCT – 10/7/2006

Video Podcast:

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