This is the fourth and final episode where we examine the history and current day beliefs of the group called the Anabaptists. Kevin Wagler a former member of the Anabaptist group known as the Amish joins again as a guest on the show to discuss the topic. Jason the host of the show is also a former conservative Mennonite. In this episode Jason and Kevin discuss a series of 16 questions to ask Anabaptists. They end the show with a discussion on a book by Dietrich Philips, an early Anabaptist, a contemporary and colleague of Menno Simons. They look at what he wrote pertaining to the Celestial Flesh Heresy and examine it in the light of Scripture.
16 Questions for Anabaptists:
- What is your view on the Celestial Flesh doctrine of Menno Simons and the other early Anabaptists?
- Is war and self-defense evil and if so did God command unrighteousness in the Old Testament?
- What is your view on original sin?
- Does original sin have any impact on the will of man?
- When an individual places their faith and trust in Christ and repents of their sins are all their sins expiated (past and future) or are only their past sins forgiven?
- What is justification?
- Does justification result in a temporary peace (dependant on human actions) or does it result in a permanent peace with God (Rom 5:1)?
- What is sanctification?
- Does justification increase before God based upon the performance/actions of the individual?
- Does a true born again (regenerate) believer have (possess) eternal/everlasting life or is eternal life dependant on their actions?
- If a true born again (regenerate) believer can lose eternal life what must he do to lose eternal life?
- What is your view on regeneration (new birth)?
- What impact does the new birth (regeneration) have on an individual? How is he changed?
- What does the Bible mean by we are dead in sin (Eph 2:1) and a slave to sin (Jn 8:34)?
- What does the atonement of Jesus Christ accomplish?
- Does God simply observe human history or does he determine it?
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