Archive for October 2016

LBM Podcast 0057 – Trump, the Election and Presuppositional Apologetics


In this episode Jason first addresses the upcoming election and the evangelical promotion of Trump as a candidate. After that he responds to a question from a listener about certainty and the grounding of certainty in omniscience. Jason also goes into an exegesis of Romans 1:16-32 to see if the text teaches a mediate or immediate knowledge of God. Jason then ends the show with a Biblical argument for presuppositional apologetics.


LBM Podcast 0018 – Transcendental Argument for God (TAG)

Video Podcast:

Audio Podcast:

LBM Podcast 0056 – Errors in the Watch Tower publication “Should you believe in the Trinity”


In this episode Jason addresses the egregious errors in the publication entitled “Should you believe in the Trinity”. He goes into what the Ante-Nicene Fathers believed about the doctrine of the Trinity. The JW booklet makes the astounding claim that the Church Father’s prior to the Council of Nicea in 325 AD did not actually believe in the doctrine of the Trinity as espoused by the Nicene Creed. Jason takes the argument and demonstrates that it is historically fallacious and a deliberate attempt to deceive.


Addressing errors in the Watch Tower publication “Should you believe in the Trinity”

Video Podcast:

Audio Podcast:

Addressing errors in the Watch Tower publication “Should you believe in the Trinity”


In 1989 the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society published a pamphlet entitled “Should you believe in the Trinity” (link to pamphlet). That particular publication says there were 5 million copies published in English at that printing. I recently received a hard copy of this pamphlet from a fellow Christian that had an encounter with some JWs. He brought it to me because he had some questions about the claims that are made in the tract on page 7. His questions in particular were about the supposed citations from the Ante-Nicene church fathers.


This article is to address the egregious errors and atrocious scholarship that went into these citations. In fact the errors are so clear that the intention could have only been deception. I will address each of these supposed citations one at a time.

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