Tag Archive for Podcast

LBM Podcast 0023 – The Christian and Self-defense


In this episode Jason goes over an article he recently wrote on A Biblical Response to “50 Reasons Why I Don’t Drink”. Jason discusses this article for a bit and then goes into the topic of what the Bible says about self-defense. We discuss the importance of the Old Testament and Jesus and the apostles use of the Old Testament Scripture.


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LBM Podcast 0022 – Do Christians, Jews and Muslims worship the same God?


Jason first discusses recently joining Andrew Rappaport on his Google+ hangout, Jason then discusses whether Christians, Muslims and Jews worship the same God. We examine Surah in the Quran to see what Islam says about the God of the Bible. We look into what the Bible says about those who deny the deity of Christ. We look into the types and shadows of the Trinity in the Old Testament.






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LBM Podcast 0021 – How unbelievers borrow from Christianity


In this episode Jason finishes up the topic last week on postmodernism and its impact on the Church. Jason then goes into the topic of how unbelievers borrow from the Christian world view. Unbelievers will by necessity have to borrow meaning, purpose, objective morality, uniformity, rationality, human value and dignity, universal laws, objective truth and consciousness from Christianity even though they deny the truthfulness of Christianity.



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LBM Podcast 0020 – Postmodernism and the Church


In this episode Jason goes into the problem of postmodernism in Church. The impact it has on the proclamation of the Truth of the Gospel. Jason analyzes a comment made on Facebook and addresses it from a Biblical perspective. He goes into the argument that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship.




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LBM Podcast 0019 – The Gospel


In this episode Jason goes over what is true forgiveness and why the deity of Christ is a requirement for true forgiveness. Jason then goes into the Gospel. We go into the bad news first and then into what is the good news (Gospel). All of the Gospel, both the justice and mercy of God, flows from the perfect goodness of God.



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LBM Podcast 0018 – Transcendental Argument for God (TAG)


In this episode Jason goes over the Transcendental Argument for God (TAG) from within the Presuppositional Apologetic. TAG is a specific argument to address atheism. We go over multiple formulations of TAG. At then end a small portion of a debate between William Lane Craig vs Lawrence Krauss is reviewed to demonstrate the differences between evidential and presuppositional apologetics.





Debate between William Lane Craig and Lawrence Krauss

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LBM Podcast 0017 – Doctrines of Grace (Calvinism) – Perseverance of the Saints


In this episode Jason continues the series that discusses the Doctrines of Grace. We begin this episode with a discussion of the terrorist acts in France and the inability of the secular worldview to deal with this. We then go into a discussion of the the doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints. This doctrine teaches that God will persevere all of his elect to the end. It teaches that the elect of God will continue in the faith till the end of their life because their faith is a gift from God and Christ is mediating and interceding for them.




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LBM Podcast 0016 – Doctrines of Grace (Calvinism) – Irresistible Grace


In this episode Jason continues the series that discusses the Doctrines of Grace. In this episode we first discuss presuppositional apologetics and a recent Christian/Atheist Debate and then we focus on the doctrine of Irresistible Grace. This doctrine says that when the Holy Spirit regenerates the heart of the individual that God has foreknown and elected to salvation that individual will without fail come to Christ in faith. The regenerated person will always believe and trust in Christ alone for his salvation because he has been given a new heart with new desires. The regenerated person has been given a new spiritual nature that both desires to and can please God.


Epic Debate Over God’s Existence


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LBM Podcast 0015 – Doctrines of Grace (Calvinism) – Limited Atonement


In this episode Jason continues the series that discusses the Doctrines of Grace. In this episode we focus on the doctrine of Limited Atonement (Particular Redemption). This doctrine teaches that the atonement of Christ on the cross was intended for and applied to the elect of God. It means that Christ completely saved certain individuals at the cross. The atonement was particular in its intention and effect but sufficient for all. This doctrine does not teach that Christ’s sacrifice was incapable of saving all people but that it was not intended for all people.



Video Podcast:

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LBM Podcast 0014 – Doctrines of Grace (Calvinism) – Unconditional Election


In this episode Jason continues the series that discusses the Doctrines of Grace. In this episode we focus on the doctrine of Unconditional Election. This is the doctrine that God has predestined and elected before time began a particular people for salvation that is not based on anything that they have done.



Video Podcast:

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