In the 1 Samuel 15 account of Samuel, Saul, and the Amalekites, Saul made the executive decision against God’s command for the Amalekite conquest to keep the Amalekite king and the best of the flocks alive. His attempt to keep any plunder was foiled by Samuel, sent by God. Samuel called Saul out on the bleating of sheep that he heard and confronted him. Then the Lord rejected Saul as king and Samuel took to the gruesome task of hacking Agag to pieces before the Lord—a classic Old Testament object lesson. This is a grotesque account and an awful undertaking for Samuel; but this is the effect of God speaking, man disobeying, and God issuing judgment—a cycle that repeats throughout Scripture, a cycle intensified here by Israel’s sinful desire for a king.
Tag Archive for Church
The Segregated Church
The Christian church has always been distinct in its function and organization compared to any secular institution. However, as times goes on and a younger generation rises to authority, its image is not much different from the world. The modern, hip, and all-inviting church—with its popular Christian music, trendy leaders, holy-ground coffee shops, and Pinterest-inspired nomenclature and decor—disregards the reverence due to God in order to accommodate a hoped-for popularity that is in no way indicative of any type or degree of commitment to Jesus Christ.
With the rise of the cool, there has been an increased trend to segregate congregants by age. Although this has been a common practice in Sunday school classes for many years, this burgeoning of youth groups, college groups, young-adult groups and small groups continues and shows no signs of stopping.
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